Congratulations to the following applicants!
MLIS (13)
1. ANONAT, Maria Victoria D.
2. ARISPE, Michelle B.
3. BRAZAL, Jesse George R.
4. CALAMANAN, Jhonalyn T. (deferred admission from 2015-2016 cycle)
5. CREAG, Lariza P.
6. DE LEON, Simon V.
8. LAO, Kholyn Kaye V.
9. MABULO, Magnolia M.
10. OCIER, Joel D.
11. ONG, Kristofer O.
12. RUBIO, Jelene Rae P.
13. VELASQUEZ, Charmaine Q.
1. AMAN, Theo Rafael S.
2. FACTOR, Marvin A.
3. MORALES, Vea Ronizze
4. SILVESTRE, Camille Jol P.
5. VALEBIA, Joanne A.
6. VIZCARRA, Jamie Anne T.
Decisions on applications for MLIS status will be announced on June 20, 2016 after your grades this current semester have been reviewed. If interested to apply, kindly send a Letter of Intent directed to the Dean and/or the Graduate Program Coordinator on or before June 17, 2016.
What to do?
- Confirm your slots by calling the UP SLIS College Secretary’s Office at (632) 981-8500 local 2869, 2870, and 2871 and look for Ms. Oda Meliton. Inability to confirm your slot on or before 08 July 2016 (Friday) will forfeit your chance to be admitted to the MLIS Program this First Semester AY 2016-2017.
- If original documents (i.e., TOR, NSO Birth/Marriage Certificate) have been submitted, proceed to the SLIS College Secretary’s Office for your Notice of Admission and Referral Slip for the University Health Service. Proceed to the University Health Service for your medical examination. You will then be given Medical Certificate. (For those with incomplete requirements, secure original documents, submit them at the SLIS College Secretary’s Office)
- Submit your Medical Certificate to UP SLIS College Secretary’s Office. You will then be given a College Admission Slip.
- Fill out the Student Directory at the SLIS College Secretary’s Office.
- Submit College Admission Slip, Student Directory, TOR and NSO Certificates to the Office of the University Registrar so you will be issued the University Admission Slip.
- Submit the University Admission Slip to the SLIS College Secretary’s Office.
You must accomplish all of the steps before you can enroll this coming First Semester.
1. Applicants must pass the UP Diliman QUALIFYING EXAM FOR GRADUATE PROGRAM administered by the Office of Counseling and Guidance. Passing grade is a composite score of 50.00.
2. Applicants who successfully passed the aforementioned exam will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- General Weighted Average 20%
- Background: Academic and Professional 20%
- Character and Communication Skills, Oral (Interview) 20%
- Critical Thinking and Communication Skills, Written (Essay) 20%
- General Impact / Perceived Potential 20%
A panel of Graduate Program faculty members of UP SLIS will evaluate applicants. The UP grading rubric will be used.
- To be further considered for admission, applicants must garner a final application score of 2.00 or better.
- Depending on available slots, a quota may be imposed by the School for each admissions cycle. If such is the case, all qualified applicants will be ranked and a cut-off will be set following the quota.
- Applicants who garnered a final application score of 2.00 or better but have a General Weighted Average lower than 2.00 will be classified as a non-degree graduate student.
- Quotas and cut-offs may also be imposed on the number of non-degree graduate students for admission.
- The decision of the admissions panel is final. Applicants who failed to be accepted may re-apply in succeeding cycles.